Quotes from real farmers using Henlight today:

We have and use 4 of the Henlight products. There is a white and red LED that when mixed create the deep orange color of the sun and the color is spot on. It is the natural color of the sun.

We installed these in Oct 2015 when we started to see a production drop and within 3-5 days saw noticeable increases, within 7 days had a 30-35% increase in production. ROI for us was about 4 weeks on 1500 layers. Lights are solar, simple to install, no maintenance.
— Michael, Whitehurst Farms, Cyprus, TX
The difference between successful and barely successful is supplemental lighting, and Henlight provides the best product out there.
— Dan, Islote Farms, Woodland, CA
I know the Henlight will be working constantly...16 hours of light, automatically, without me having to make changes. I converted all my houses.
— Jessica, 2 Rock Natural Pastures, Petaluma, CA
Our Henlight was so easy to set up and install, and so durable in the harsh elements we have out here on the coast.
— John B., Salmon Creek Ranch, Bodega Bay, CA
We have personally seen a 15- to 25 percent increase in egg production with the Henlight.
— Lisa P., Chicken Chick, Christmas, FL
I actually planned on constructing my own hen lighting system. While shopping and researching I found your product. I feel that your package is exactly what I would build and you are using the highest quality components.
— Grant, Q Farms, Sharon CT